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The 3 L's Digest

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3 Ls DIGESTIN THIS ISSUEIN THIS ISSUEIN THIS ISSUEDear Viewers, Welcome to the second issue of the 3 Ls Digest, a collaborationamong Lori Karpman, Neco Turkienicz and Lynn Lavender. This e-zine is anew concept and a giant step up from traditional newsletters. A yellow flashindicates there is an embedded link for more information., so click around. Each month we will have guest contributors who have content to share that wehope you will find of interest. Please use the form on the back page to askquestions or provide your feedback. Thank you for viewing and feel free to share this with friends and colleaguesby clicking on the Share icon below or the back page. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!HAPPY HOLIDAYS!HAPPY HOLIDAYS!LoriNecoLynnDECEMBER 2023 ISSUE NO 2Don’t Forget the AudioCaution: HolidaySeason AheadPerspective onReflectionSEO: Who Cares?The Genesis ofSuccessNeco TurkieniczEvan MestmanAmir AsadiLori KarpmanKiesha King BrownLynn LavenderPut Your Inbox on a DietINSTALL THIS MAGAZINE

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2IT’SSHOWTIME!YOUR AUDIO DESERVES ASMUCH LOVE AS THE VISUALSDON’T FORGET THE AUDIO! Neco Turkienicz - Leib Productions Neco Turkienicz is not a videographer: he is a storyteller who uses video with high-quality sound as the method of delivery. In this video, Neco emphasizes the importanceof audio quality in business videos. He highlights how clear; quality audio enhancesviewer engagement and leaves a positive first impression of a brand. Neco also pointsout the challenges with smartphone microphones capturing background noise,suggesting an investment in external microphones to improve audio output. The videostresses that successful business videos should focus on not just the visuals, but alsoon the audio for an inclusive, immersive experience.HUMANIZES YOUR BRANDENHANCES MEMORY RECALLBOOSTS ENGAGEMENT:BUILDS BRAND IDENTITY:FUELS EMOTIONAL RESPONSVIDEO STORY TELLING:VIEW NECO’S 650-8106

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3IT’S THAT TIME OF YEARPERSPECTIVE ON REFLECTINGAmir Asadi - Chairperson International Service Projects Rotary District 7230ProAttitudes and its founder, Evan Mestman are allabout developing lifelong habits that promotewellness. ProAttitudes is aptly named. Achievingand maintaining healthy lifestyles is a matter ofmaking changes to your mindset. In this article,Evan provides 10 tips to help you avoid the dangerslurking at holiday celebrations and sets the tone forthe new year. Read Evan’s article and thensubscribe to his newsletter to help you stay on track Amir Asadi shares some wisdom about theimportance of reflection and perspective as the yearends. Reflection can help us grow, developempathy, and learn from our experiences. Negativeemotions can be transformed into positive energiesfor growth, and that reflection should help identifywhat outcomes were within or out of our control. Amir speaks from the heart about theimportance of a supportive community for reflectionand the power of gratitude. He shares his gratitudefor the past year, framing every new day as anotheropportunity for improvement and positivity.10 TIPS TO KEEP YOU ON TRACKCAUTION: HOLIDAY SEASON AHEADEvan Mestman - (516) 366-8386

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4WHY CONTENT & COPYWRITING MATTERKiesha Brown-King is a customerstrategist and founder of LoyaltyCentric. Her company helps bus-inesses of all sizes retain customerswith unique loyalty programs.Kiesha’s years in the corporateworld, her entrepreneurial talents andbusiness acumen have all con-tributed to the success of LoyaltyCentric. Businesses must createexperiences instead of just sellingproducts or services. Engaging a customer strategist, who offersdistinctive insights and strategies, isvital for longevity and resilience. Acustomer-focused business ensuresrelevance, adaptability, and long-term success."SEO is a pivotal tool in digital mar-keting and content strategy, affectingwebsite visibility and customer reach.Its proper utilization involves strategickeyword placement, content optimiz-ation and link-building, leading toincreased website traffic and pot-ential customers. With ongoingsearch engine algorithm updates,regular SEO optimization is para-mount. It also enables monitoringthrough tools like Google Analytics tostrategize better. Notably, SEO pro-vides an affordable method fororganic growth, beneficial to startupsand SMEs. Thus, incorporating SEOis vital to remain competitive in thedigital marketplace."SEO: WHO CARES? Lori Karpman - Lori Karpman & Company THE GENESIS OF SUCCESSKiesha King Brown - Loyalty CentricBEGINS WITH 444-6605

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6for contributing to your overflowing inbox.Like you, unsolicited email is crowding outthe important messages in my inbox as well.It seems the more times I unsubscribe themore I receive. It reminds me of the weedsin my garden….a never-ending problem.For those of you who like the content andpresentation of this e-zine, I have goodnews. You can click on the install button onthis page or the install icon at the bottomright of any page and keep this e-zine onyour desktop for reading later. A small iconwill appear. Just click to view. It will be mucheasier to find the e-zine than sifting throughall the messages in your inbox. For those of you who aren’t interested in ourmessage or advanced communications, justunsubscribe. No offense taken. If you install this e-zine, you willautomatically have the latest issuewhenever we publish a new issue. Youthen can opt out of our emaildistribution. Ultimately all our subscribers who haveinstalled the e-zine will never receiveany more newsletters in their inboxesfrom us. Within the next few weeks, we willannounce a notification feature that willlet you know that a new issue is readyto be opened from your desktop icon. If you would like to know more abouthow an e-zine might benefit yourcompany, complete the form below orsimply self-schedule a meeting byclicking on the calendar icon below. APOLOGIES TO YOU, DEAR READER,Schedule an appointment with Neco Contact Us send